a day for thankfulness
Friday, February 13, 2009 at 2:30PM
TJ GETZ in methodology

Today is a day for thankfulness.

We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We have now, and now is beautiful. It may not be everything we think we want, but it is what we have—and when we look closely, we can usually find beauty somewhere within.

Today I look around me and see...happiness. Now I can choose to embrace what I have, or I can choose to focus on those things I'd rather have. But it's my choice; It's your choice. And no one can take that away from you. In this seemingly small sense, you do have control over your happiness at this very moment.

Regardless of where you are, you can transport your mind to a positive focus of those things you do have. I find a smile from a stranger, a hug from a friend, the wonder of my children at play, or even the sound of wind rushing through my hair and past my ears far more wonderful, in retrospect, than greater goals I may have for my life.

And the fullness provided through the focus of those "little things" can provide me with the most happiness—the happiness we're all looking for.

I wish whoever may be reading this a beautiful day, and a full life.

Article originally appeared on Greenville, SC (http://blog.getzcreative.com/).
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