• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in couples (103)


John & Christina (in love)


josh & Sidney: in love (partial)

As fall colors change the landscape, new opportunities arise giving birth to new ideas within common elements. Picture, in your minds-eye, the images below bathed in lush greens & brightly colored flowers. The mood of the pictures would exhibit a much different feel. I love that each season yields new solutions artists can utilize to keep their minds and souls fresh.

In Josh and Sidney's shoot, we combined a series of doors hinged together and set it in a fall landscape of changing leaves and dead underbrush. We also utilized a beautiful piece of artwork from Knack studios in west-end Greenville. This distressed hutch with it's ornate handles was the perfect piece to bring a unique twist to a common setting.

I want to thank everyone involved that made this shoot a possibility. Without the help from my lovely team and beautiful clients, each shoot would only be a shadow of the joy and creativity we get to produce.


josh & dallas: a charleston romance


inspiration from the masters

We recently did a fun project for a couple who wanted shots that were inspired from some of their favorite photographs taken from another era. We've assembled the originals next to each shot we made for them to help you compare. I respect these other artists and the work they created. I know I could never completely duplicate the magic they created in their pieces, and that I would also bring my own twist to each of them. That's the beautiful thing about creativity and art, even when inspired by another's work, you can't help but put some part of you in the work as well.


the complement: a journey in color

I love color. Color excites. Adds drama.
In photography, color can achieve it's own emotion, regardless of context; and within a context, it can amplify the message being communicated. Photography is not linear. The ingredients of a great photograph encompass composition, light, concept, and color almost everytime. Even in a black and white photograph these elements are present. Red turns to white, blue turns to black, and you're left with a stunning image that's colorless, yet beautifully pleasing.

If you take a second glance at the photos below, you'll notice not only the colors within, that complement and adds interest, but you'll also see that by putting these two images next to each other, the contrast between warm and cool toning generates a pleasing complement, which makes each image stand out even further.

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