• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries by TJ GETZ (581)


trains, guitars and cool (high school senior portraits, Greenville SC)

Here is part one of a two part post, showcasing a fun shoot we had with Luke. We didn't realize we'd have the opportunity shoot a train passing when we brainstormed for the shoot, but it worked out perfectly!


Music Artist Portraits (Creative Commercial Portrait Photography, Greenville, SC)

We had the pleasure of working with leslie and shooting for her upcoming album release.
Here is a peek of what we worked on!


water & zombies engagement (pt1)

When Ashley & Alfredo came to us asking if we could do their engagement underwater AND with zombies, I nearly flipped my lid! Always looking for something different, we live off of shoots like this, and not only did we get one amazing idea, but two in the same shoot!

Here are a set of images for the "taking the plunge" part of the shoot. They used a series of themselves jumping in the water for their part save the dates.

Wait til you see the zombies!



iphone Lightplay

I love Autumn. Here in the south, the usual humidity is replace with crisp air and cool breezes. Seasonal changes also give new opportunities to capture new images of familiar places. Me and my team have been playing with capturing the surrounding beauty with out iphones. Here is a bean field at sunset that was recently captured during a high school senior session.

always looking for the light,


Wedding Artistry vs Wedding Photography

When planning the pictures for your wedding, it's important to know what you want. Of course, I'd love to shoot your wedding, but the reality is I'm a perfect fit for only some of you. Our style and philosophy is immersed with creative thought and concepts. However, to incorporate this style effectively on your wedding day, there are certain things that have to be given precedence over other things. That's one reason we ask each potential client to meet with us before booking their session.

As your photographer, I look at myself as your tour guide through the picture phase of your day. Your day will have a mind of it's own regardless of planning, and it's important to have someone who can navigate the beautiful chaos of the wedding day with ease and confidence. And yes, we have created a way of doing things that help us do this quite well.

The camera is the window into the soul of the photographer. Without soul, the camera is just a big paperweight. The price of good photography is less about the number of images we take or albums you get, and more about the vision we can give your day.

Our vision mixed with your spirt will create the magic. But the magic only comes to those who will give their spirit to our dream; our vision. It may sound obvious, but we find there is a definite type of person that connects with our vision. That's why at the beginning of this post I said, "it's important to know what you want." The more clear you are of what you want, the easier the path will be in finding the way to that end.

learning to live a more creative life,

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