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The Breathe of Creativity

There is a yogic style of breathing that involves "watching the breath". It's where you focus your mind on the rise and fall of the belly, breathing in deep, pausing slightly and then breathing out all the way. My point is, creative thought is not always found in the deep breaths, in or out, but rather the pauses.

Think about it. When I take a deep breathe, do I panic during the pause? Do I need oxygen right away? No, in fact I could hold my breathe for more than a "slight pause", possibly 30 seconds or more, before it would begin to get REALLY uncomfortable. If this is the case in breathing, then the same goes for my rhythm of creativity.

My style of creativity seem to work best with pauses. However, initially it sometimes seems best to keep the "creative momentum" up when I feel as if I'm on a roll. It's as if I'm fearing if I stop, so will the creativity. But as in breathing, this is not the case. By pausing, I give my mind a chance to "see" my surroundings, feel the energy, and prepare myself for even greater creativity.

I try and remind myself that this is just like moving forward. It may not seem to get me to my destination immediately, but it does keeping me moving in a direction that will eventually get me there. Taming my impatience, is part of the key to empowering my creativity to it's fullest.

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Reader Comments (1)

Interesting... pausing is a way of moving forward. A necessary way.

Thanks for the post, bud.

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

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