• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in methodology (94)


Privacy and Creative imagery

I believe each of the sessions we offer have a distinctive look that contrasts us against other photographers. I'm not saying we are the "it team" or how we do it is the only way of doing things, I'm merely saying we can guarantee we are "that something different" you've been looking for. With our graphic design backgrounds, and passion for art, we love to intertwine higher-art and metaphoric ideas into many of the sessions we do. And Depending on the client and the design of the shoot, these subtleties appear in various degrees.

Why We Blog...
The top two reasons we have our blog, is to show you new work, and to verbally communicate our philosophies and differences you can expect when signing up for your very own "getzperience". To that end, we try and communicate our ideals and philosophies the best we can. However, words cannot aptly express the beauty, sorrow, charm, intimacy, or nurturing essence that we strive for in our shoots. Sure, I can tell you "we're creative", or that "we have a unique vision", but how well does that really translate?

Where Words & Imagery Fail....unless they are a team
Just as words alone can fail in the above ways, images alone can also seem disconnected outside of a context. That's one reason, I believe when our clients look at their images, it means more to them than any outside person not connected to them. Even though an emotion, such as beauty or laughter, can be seen by someone not connected to that image personally, the meaning and inspiration can be fully grasped when it is enhanced by both "story" and words.

For this reason, we write about our shoots, hoping to give context and increased meaning to everything you see. If I could simply post a set of images and know you would grasp everything we were trying to achieve within that shoot, there would be no need for explanation. Or if I could describe a shoot and you understand the verbal visuals as well as I intended, then there would be no need to compliment it with a photo. But most of us don't work like that. To fully understand, we need both the visual AND words.

Take our Just For Him sessions as an example:
I would like to believe that by our reputation and words alone, I could render beautiful photo-scapes of lush and luxurious imagery for every girl who wants to offer something sexy for her husband. However, in a culture where we pride ourselves on labels such as "the best", "creative", "artsy", or "photojournalistic" the lines becomes blurred to their meanings. When every business uses the same labels while trying to "be different", how can you decide who is truly what they say they are? And in reality, who would want to label their business as "low-art", "so-so creativity", and "mostly-reliable" anyway? This is why it's imperative we combine examples of our sexy session with the words we use to describe it.

Your Privacy & Comfort is No.1
I believe it's important for you to know that we pride ourselves on not only being reliable, but professional as well. And within that professionalism, we take our clients privacy very seriously. No image is ever used without express permission and blessing from each client. Our goal is to show how our vision differs from others, combining a beautiful blend of classiness and sexiness that supports what we say about our Just For Hims. For us, "boudoir" as an industry seems to either fail in engaging a proper believable mood to the viewer, or they just look awkward and un-sexy. And since every woman is supposed to be the "rock star" in her man's life to whom she's committed herself to, we want to provide the opportunity to help women feel as beautiful and sexy as they really are—and to remind their hubbbys of that too. :)

A Final Thanks
We have had such a wonderful February and March getting to know. We'd like to thank all of those who made our Valentine's day special a success. We have loved hearing the stories of elated hubbys and tears of joy from so many girls who couldn't believe we made them look and feel so comfortable, fun and beautiful.

much love to all,
-TJ & Michelle


Our pictures are greater than "our pictures"

same spirit....you help decide the experience
No matter what Michelle and I shoot, there's always a greater vision behind the pictures than can be portrayed by just looking at them. The same spirit, goals and passion are rooted deeply in our system of thought, making each shoot similar, regardless of it's theme. You may think that some shoots are more enjoyable than others, but that would be a misconception. Each shoot varies with the subject we shoot, and what makes one shoot better for us than another, is how well our clients connected with our philosophy.

seeing beyond....
I believe to many, art is art, drumming is drumming, racing is racing, photography is photography, etc... They don't see the subtleties that make someone an amazing guitarist or just an okay guitarist. And I"m not here to bash them for that, but rather point out what is more common. Each of us must learn to see beyond what is there. For what is there, is sometimes only part of the story being told.

I'm not sure it's important that we see the whole of the story every time. But it would be a shame, to be part of something (this human experience) and miss many of the stories we are actively engaged in; especially those we choose and desire to experience. With this in mind, let's move into the context of photography.

You don't want to miss a thing...
If you want a photo taken of you, your child, or family, you want it to mean something right? And you also want someone to care as much about creating it, as it will mean to you, hanging it on your home wall. For that to happen, you need to take care and see beyond what is in front of you, and realize the best pictures come from those who can combine your essence with their style.

For example, when we shoot a child, we want to capture a time period of interest that will remind the parent of good memories in that stage of the child's life. For this reason, we believe it's imperative to find out about who we're shooting, then brainstorm and concept ideas that will do just that. If I'm to PAY for something, I personally want someone who can do better than my fancy point and shoot camera I carry with me in my car. Those moments are precious too, but then again, they're free. But If I am to pay, I want something more; something special.

Sure, when you find a photographer like that, there's going to be greater cost in it, but because of their vision and creativity, there is also a greater reward as well. And that's when you realize that it's just not some dude with a camera, it's a dude with a vision; a passion for epic-ness and beauty, that will transform the way you look at yourself, your family and your love.

That's what it means to be part of GetzCreative. To give yourself to art, passion, and that "something different" you've been looking for. Be a part of us today; And for whatever you need, we promise to make it great!

much love,


whatever we meditate on, we become.....


GIRLS: Give a gift only YOU can give (extended special through march 31st)

Let us make you feel beautiful
Michelle and I have found that many girls simply don't realize just how beautiful they really are. Women today are bombarded with a definition of "perfection" that leaves them constantly discontent with who they are and what they look like. And when reality is based in fantasy, it will always bring some sort of judgment against yourself that many times simply isn't true. However, as photographers, we have been given the gift to see and capture the girl you really are—not the girl you "feel" you are.

Ladies: You're simply amazing
As woman, you are amazing creatures. And to those of us who are lucky enough to have one love us, it adds a dimension to our lives unlike any other experience. As photographers, we see past your self judgment and "flaws" and capture the beauty within that you do not allow yourself to see. Give yourself the gift of one of our Just For Him sessions, and build confidence in a side of you, you don't often think about. All our clients have gone away amazed, more confident, and saying "I can't believe that's really me!" (you can see some of their comments on our website under "just for him". www.getzcreative.com

It's also a great gift for the man you love and have dedicated your life too.
Remind him your his rock star and give him a gift only YOU can give.

Extended V-Day special
Our V-Day special was so popular, we are extending the $199 v-day special (normally $625) through March 31st. (comes with professional makeup artist)
Contact or call us today, to reserve your beautiful session!

wishing you well and much love,
-TJ & Michelle
864-901-6584 (cell)
864-354-2548 (studio)


Valentine's Night...

What a perfect time of year to unveil an image that showcases romance and love in a way that's larger than life. Many of our cities hide the beautiful starscapes that shines down upon us each night. And even more rare, is the chance to see a comet that's close enough to be seen with our naked eye. We at GetzCreative want to remind you that we are artists first and photographers second. We don't entirely fit within the photography community, because we approach our work as if our cameras are paint brushes. And yet, the art community might not consider us "traditional fine artists" because we're not using elements as organic as paint, felts, brushes and clay.

We love to bridge the world to painters and illustrators with the "brush of the camera". Creating moments that are rarely seen, or possibly never seen, is just one of the many facets of what we love to do. We also love to show the connection of relationships and how they interact with daily life. And all of it is combined with a heart for art, passion, and beauty. Our passion is to take a normal part of life and create something that's a romanticized, and idealized version of the event—which is why I believe our work stands out.

If you want us to share in your life and create a work of art for you, we would be honored. You can call us at our studio at 864-354-2548 or email us at shootme@getzcreative.com to set up your personalized consultation.

much love & happy valentines day,
-TJ & Michelle Getz

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