• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in methodology (94)


before & after: "the swimmer carol"

With winter right around the corner, let's take this post old school; we're talking inspiration from the macdaddy of all carols, but don't worry, we won't give you the dickens if you don't get. it.

We recently complete a project for a design firm, here in lovely Greenville, SC and wanted to share the "ghost of pictures taken", "the ghost of pictures edited", "and ghost of ad completed." Now the anology breaks down here, because the design firm is very friendly and great to work with, I just wanted a reason to use "ghost of" in a sentence. (And now that I have, I can check it off my bucket list and get back to our regular scheduling programming)

As you've probably guessed, there's more to our pictures than meets the eye. I know you realize it's art and "different", but sometimes just seeing the finished product doesn't show you what we started working with. This is the start of a series that will help show a corner of our edge, "the difference", you get when working with getzcreative.


live on purpose: now go get a camera!

Pyramids & Cathedrals
Humankind has accomplished much in the past, with seemingly less than we have now. When you stand at the foot of one of the pyramids, wonder fills the heart as you realize what an amazing feat was accomplished. The same goes for the great cathedrals around the world. We use cranes, tools and methods that fits our "easy" lifestyle, all wrapped nicely in OSHEA regulations for our maximum safety. Now I'm not saying we should go back to days of truly hard labor. But I am challenging you to remember that the world wasn't always as convenient as it is now.

T.L.C. "The Lazy Camera"
It's a great age to live in if you want to take pictures. With more options than fleas on a cow, you can find the perfect camera for you, with just the right size, price, and features you think you need. With so much cool technology at our finger tips, it's important our focus begins to shift toward technique, the "art factor", and quality. What good is this technology if we don't use it to our best efforts; what good is shooting lazily just for shooting sake? I believe we must strive to do our best in whatever we do.

Let's not be lazy in our work and play. Live on purpose. Strive to better yourself daily. As my mentor Jerry Ghionis says, "you don't have to be the best, just better than you were yesterday."


old-time hotel: the journey of an artistic spirit

My good friend and photographer Scott Holloway first showed me a shot he took similar to this one. It was such a great shot, I was inspired to try it with Nate & Riley as well. I wanted to take them back in time, giving their image a look that would evoke another era.

When you hire us, you are hiring artists first and a photographer second; though it would probably be hard to separate the two physically, since photography is the means in which we create our art. Many of our photographs strive to evoke a feeling beyond the reality; something more grandeur and spiritual. As with every artistic photographer, part of their soul shines through their work. It's a good reminder that you're not just paying for someone who knows how to use a camera, when you book us, you're paying for the vision, and artistic spirit as well.


the complement: a journey in color

I love color. Color excites. Adds drama.
In photography, color can achieve it's own emotion, regardless of context; and within a context, it can amplify the message being communicated. Photography is not linear. The ingredients of a great photograph encompass composition, light, concept, and color almost everytime. Even in a black and white photograph these elements are present. Red turns to white, blue turns to black, and you're left with a stunning image that's colorless, yet beautifully pleasing.

If you take a second glance at the photos below, you'll notice not only the colors within, that complement and adds interest, but you'll also see that by putting these two images next to each other, the contrast between warm and cool toning generates a pleasing complement, which makes each image stand out even further.


Lorenzo & Alexis: a beautiful spirit

Captivation. It's in the "getz mix", and part of the undercurrents which drive us to shoot in the style we use. We call ourselves "fashion-inspired, cinematic photographers", but the hard part is unpacking a title like that, so people understand what the heck you're talking about.

As artists, we use words such as "organic", "industrial", "urban", "rustic", "impressionistic", and so on, to try and describe what we do, but I wonder if the masses ever really "get it?". The artist soul is like seeing something beautiful in nature, but not fully understanding what it is you see. (and I'll admit that may partly be the fault of the artist in struggling to describe what they so passionately feel inside)

This session with Lorenzo and Alexis was captivating, beautiful and just a fun shoot to be part of. We love creating and capturing beauty within a couple's relationship. Many couples come to us when they're getting married or engaged, but that isn't why we exist. We exist to capture the beauty within a relationship, and shoot it in such a way, that it blurs the line between fine art, and commercial photography.

This session is what most people would call an "engagement shoot", however, I dislike using terms like "wedding photographer, engagement session, bridal, and so on, because the reason behind our work, is more encompassing than these simple tags we like to give a session. Photography isn't just something you do when you get engaged, married, have babies, etc.. it's to capture the essence of someone. (or at least that's how we use photography, and why you'd use us) While some focus their photographic journey in a different area, our passion is to encompass these "relational essences" in an artistic fashion; for us, it's deeper, spiritual, and definitely more "cosmic" than merely snapping beautiful images for an event.

When you hire us, you hire us for art.
You hire us for creativity within the art context, and you hire us to capture the spiritual essence behind the relationship you enjoy, be it a couple, a parent, or a sibling relationship.

much love to you all and wishing you well,