• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in weddings (95)




spanish kiss


vision: and why photos don't "just happen"

It's all about Vision
Just because you're paying money for photography, doesn't guarantee you've chosen a photographer with the vision you desire. It's important to understand that there are different price points in wedding photography based upon a person's style, skill and experience. Cutting your cost by choosing a "photographer you can afford" many times only gets you mediocre photos of an amazing moment in your life you'll never be able to repeat again.

Think about it: besides the man or women of your dreams, the only other thing you can take with you, through your years of marriage, are your wedding pictures. And the difference between mediocre pictures and amazing wedding imagery is pure, unadulterated vision.

it's not about being "fancy"
Great photography can be made in all types of settings. You don't need to be getting married in the fanciest venue, with the whole place decked out with all types of colorful detail and accessories. I'm not gonna lie, we photographers LOVE rich color, unique details and beautiful places to shoot. It makes our job that much easier and wonderful. But having the "best of" everything isn't always necessary to capture amazing photos. And having someone who understands how to use light, angles and composition in creative ways, can take a mediocre place and churn out some amazing images for you.

it's about trust; don't box your photographer in, & be willing to go that extra mile
I recently shot a wedding in Phoenix Arizona. The wedding was in a charming house, with a rich spanish element encompassing it's design and architecture. There were several places where I knew I could get some beautiful imagery, but most of them required me to be outside with the bride and groom. Just like the South, Arizona can be a hot place to shoot in, especially during the summer. I knew for me to capture some of the beautiful elements, the bride and groom would need to be willing to brave the heat and drink plenty of water.

And though the villa was nice, I also knew I would be capturing it's various architectural interests and balconies later in the day, and I wanted to create something special for the bride and groom to remember beyond that. So I shared with them my vision, and asked if they'd be willing to shoot in different places around Phoenix, showing the unique landscapes Arizona has to offer. They graciously agreed, and we were able to get some amazing shots as you can see below.

These shots were taken in 100 degree heat, on top of a rocky outcropping that required a small hike. To make it even trickier, the hike up to the rocks were made of loose dirt and stones. However, the bride with her bridesmaids (one of them 7 months pregnant) agreed to and even wanted to make the trek, because they shared the vision and understood that good photography doesn't just happen; it's worked for.

If you're willing to go outside your comfort zone and listen to your photographer, magic can happen and you can be left with images better than what you see in the magazines! But before you can have images with vision, you must choose a photographer with vision. It's not good enough to pay money and expect great photos. Money only promises a product, however it doesn't promise a great product. Be smart, and make sure you understand what you're buying or not buying. Whatever your budget, vision is key.


arizona sky


nate & Riley: wedding sneak peek